The Triple A Mom.......Allergies, Asthma & Autism

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Learning our Letters

Learning letters, their sounds and beginning to learn how to spell words has always been a big thing in our house. If you are around either of my boys for any amount of time, they will FORCE you to spell a word that they have heard. Sometimes they even ask you to spell an entire sentence. Trey constantly points out memorization words like UP, ON, EXIT, OPEN and so forth. Crockett enjoys sounding out words and figuring out what they start with. He also likes to look around as we drive and ask if me to spell random things he sees......"MOMMA, SPELL TREE.....MOMMA, SPELL ROAD........MOMMA, SPELL DVD (LOL) get the picture.

When I would have to lock the boys in the bathroom with me while I took a shower, when they were little, I would entertain them by writing words in the steam of the shower door or drawing pictures. This played a vital role in them learning their alphabet. Now that the boys enjoy taking a shower instead of a bath, they quiz each other by drawing letters in the steam of the shower door. They LOVE doing this and it gives them a daily refresher course that I don't have to be involved in. It also gives Trey the social interaction and teaches him how to ask questions correctly (as I jump in and correct him if he has trouble) and how to answer questions appropriately.

MOMS and DADS......when you have to take a shower with your kids in the room, make it into a learning experience! It can't hurt and sometimes it even helps. Let's all do our part and make learning fun! :0)

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