The Triple A Mom.......Allergies, Asthma & Autism

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Okay! It's your brothers turn now!

"MOOMMMMMMYYYYY!!!! I WANT TO HOLD THE MOVIE!!! " Those were the words of my last born son, Crockett, as his brother, Trey, held the "Monsters Inc" case just out of his reach. I knew when I brought the movie out to the car that they would fight over it but hoped that Crockett would forget Trey had it. Yeah, right! Crockett is like an elephant, he doesn't forget ANYTHING! As I drove down the road listening to the crazy fight between my boys, I realized that there was only one way to handle this situation.......the counting game!

Trey starts out with the movie and counts to 10. Then he gives it to Crockett and he counts to 10. Then Trey gets the movie back and he counts to 10. (Crockett cheated and counted to 13 several times but Trey didn't notice) So, they go back and forth doing this for about 5 minutes until they realize that it's annoying and then I change the game to find the stop sign. This game is where they hold it until we come to a stop sign or stop light. I know there are only three stop signs or lights on the way to moms house but they don't. This worked like a charm for the rest of the trip. Once we got there we went inside and they watched the movie peacefully until I left for work.

As I am sure most of you know, peacemaker is one of the many hats that parents wear and with each passing year you learn more and more about how to keep the peace between the siblings. I am not looking forward to the day when my boys don't fall for the simple games anymore. I am also not looking forward to the day when I have to look up to my boys when I am getting onto them. Just tonight Trey came out of his room after we had tucked him in cause he "forgot" to give me a hug. I was sitting in my oversize chair with my legs stretched out on the ottoman and Trey crawls into my lap.....HE WAS LOOKING ME STRAIGHT IN THE EYE AND HIS TOES WERE EVEN WITH MY TOES!! Ya'll!!! He is SIX years old!! What the WHAT?!!? Anyway, I can barely believe that my boys aren't babies anymore.

The next few posts will be flashbacks to stories that have happened to me and family over the years. Some will be personal stories (be watching for my arrest story) and some will be kid stories (LOTS of potty humor, literally)! Be watching!! Coming soon!!

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